Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I am thankful for Pumpkins
Monday, October 25, 2010
I am thankful for...WinCo.

So today, Becca and I spent a very long time at WinCo. I think its just about my new favorite place in Provo. If you haven't had the WinCo experience, I have one thing to say to you : It NEEDS to happen! The store itself is quite large, filled with inexpensive products and offers a variety of bulk foods, and everything else you can think of--- for super cheap! A college students dream :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I am thankful for friends
Saturday, October 23, 2010
La Lluvia
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Just one of those days

Saturday, October 16, 2010
All I wanna do is dream. Dream, dream, dream...
By definition, a dream is that which upon accomplishment elicits emotions of joy, pleasure, gladness and rejoicing (you can thank oxford for that denotation). Since happiness is a condition of the heart, I would argue that when we are happy, we are living our dreams whether we realize it or not. While I do have some dreams that I hope will unfold in the future I'm putting those dreams on hold. This is not because I think they are unrealistic, but because I have bigger dreams outside of myself. When I say that I mean that as much as I love writing and studying Romantic Literature, I really do feel that its something that can wait.
I am slowly understanding that my happiness depends on how well I can accept the decisions I make. When I was 14, I wrote in my journal that I would study nursing and after that, I could pursue any other avenue of academia I wanted. My mother would probably not believe this if she read it, but yes, I am reverting back to that "dream." Its pretty competitive to get into the nursing program here at BYU but I want to give it a shot. Hopefully, nursing is willing to take a shot on me!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Twenty-Five Ways of looking at the World"

"I do not know which to prefer
The beauty of inflections
Or the beauty of innuendos,
The blackbird whistling,
Or just after"
-Wallace Stevens
To avoid the debt of cookies, the brave young soul made a list:
1. Rules in advance.
2. Apply help as needed. repeats if necessary.
3. Laugh it off.
4. Run after ice-cream trucks.
5. Be patient, be kind.
6. Share.
7. Wild imaginations make interesting bedfellows.
8. Never worry, because there will always be someone to pluck off the
nonopopsee's, one by one.
An incredible mentor wrote this as a response to a presentation i made years ago. Thank you Mr. Avitabile.
The list above is just a few of the many things I learned from the kids I worked with over the years. Three in particular: Anna, Abby and Elena, hold a very special place in my heart. I haven't been updated on there whereabouts in a while. Still, I think about the summer we spent together. I have learned so much from them. I learned that children are sensitive to love, that they have the capacity to show affection with nonjudgmental eyes, and open arms. They are strong. The kind of strong that lifts your spirit, carries you through a hard day and embraces you when you've forgotten how. The love of a child is selfless and endearing. It plants within you a sincere desire to serve, smile, laugh and endure. Thanks girls!
Do you remember that summer when
we slept side-by-side
on rainbow hammocks
and ate mangoes under the shade?
Do you remember that summer when
we shared stories
and jumped in oceans in our dreams
and talked,
and talked,
and talked,
until we heard a thud on our door telling us to go to bed?
Do you remember when
the rain fell and flooded
when the rolling thunder
walked on our tin roofs
and rattled us in our beds?
Do you remember when
we sailed on rowboats
that sped and jumped,
and how our bellies jumped too?
I remember, and how I miss
every touch
and every goodnight kiss.
I remember
the way we laughed,
the way we walked,
the way we swam,
the way we loved.
I wont forget those summer nights.
The warmth of gratitude
within me grows
Your love is the greatest
my heart knows.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Batman and Robin
From barely six to five-foot-two,