Lately, I have had the weirdest dreams. Most people dream about the people they like, or the classes they are in, or that they are flying or falling off a building or being chased... I'm a little different. I dream about food. Often. Very often...I just woke up from one that was particularly pleasant. it felt so real. Heres what happened : I was making a dessert for a party and it felt as is every knife stroke, every pat of butter, every taste of raspberry cream and, every stroke of the whisk was actually taking place in my kitchen. Nigella Lawson, a culinary goddess, if I may say so was there in the kitchen with me cutting through mounds of pound cake that turned, somehow, into stacks of chocolate. Anyways, I remember everything from that dream, including what I put in that trifle that Im going to make soon! See, when it comes to food, before I get ready to make anything I'm usually just sitting down or doing homework and then this taste comes to my mind, and then I realize I'm hungry! Before I know it, I'm imagining what I want to eat and this index card just floats into my head and all the ingredients I think will make that initially desired taste kind of just appear there, and then I make it. Its beyond explainable.
sweet dream! i dreamed i was cooking with martha stewart- we had a blast!!!