Zac and I have been married for about seven months now! Crazy. We are just about half way through our winter semester at BYU. Zac is studying neuroscience and getting ready to take the MCAT in April. I am working on finishing my undergrad in Public Health with plans to go to nursing school after I graduate next April (that is if I can stop myself from going for culinary school). We are attending a family ward in Provo that is OVERCOME with babies, toddlers, and rowdy children. I am serving in the primary teaching the CTR-4 class, and it is tons of work. Zac was called as the Young Men's secretary. Without fail, our weeks are hectic and busy, but it always ends with the much abated Friday "date-night." Last week we went to Petsmart and bought a goldfish we call Moby. He is crazy smart...we think.

February was a busy month for us. Zac's birthday was on the 4th. I made a chocolate cake that I think, was a once in a life time success. I didn't measure, I didn't use a recipe, and I most definitely don't remember half the things I put in it, but it was so good! That night, we went out to dinner with his family at the Cheesecake Factory and Zac got a super warm, poofy down coat. He looks great in it, and I can finally wear my down coat without feeling like a giant marshmallow next to my husband (we even match color-wise). The 28th was my 21st birthday. This time his family took us to Red Robbin the Saturday before, and many of my easter fantasies were fulfilled with the new easterly cooking gadgets I got (clearly, I have wonderful in-laws). Since my birthday was on a school day Zac and I went to the Happy Sumo after my shift at work. We left very full on sushi and noodles and very happy!
Thanks to a primary lesson that required me to bake a loaf of bread, my obsession for baking homemade bread is expanding. Most of my free time has been spent looking up bread makers and bread recipes. It is so addicting! I found a recipe for a sourdough bread starter that I am contemplating on making--the apprehension may be stemming from the idea of growing bacteria in my refrigerator. We shall see.
All in all, life is good. We are happy. Plans are rolling, and we are excited for..... EASTER.... Okay, maybe its just me, but really, you can never be too prepared for the bunny-blessed day. Cheers.
It's fun to read about what you've been up to! Just in the last year I have really gotten into baking bread. My advice would be to skip the bread machine and instead get a Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I use mine a lot more for bread and other things, too! Here is one of my favorite bread recipes. It doesn't require a mixer, but you do need to start it the night before:
I will check that recipe out! Thanks Jess :)