Two weeks ago, at 9:33am in the morning, we welcomed our sweet Zoe Jane in to the world. She weighed 6lbs. 7oz., and measured a surprising 21 and 3/4 inches long (I am keeping my fingers crossed her birth height is an indicator she will be at least taller than mommy). She is quite the feeder and is already nearly 8lbs and getting very plump and chubby. Sometimes I look at her now, just two weeks later, and think she looks so different from when we first met her. We are so in love with her already!
We were supposed to stay at the hospital a few more days since the delivery turned into a c-section, but the doctors and nurses graciously sent us home early on Christmas Eve which was such a treat. Zac, Zoe, and I had our first Christmas Eve together in our cozy apartment. I had planned to have something a little more special for our night before Christmas meal, but we quickly opted for a McDonalds run which was a lot more than I could have ever put together after our first day home with Zoe. There are some seriously delicious new options on their value menu that guiltlessly enjoy on a far too regular basis.
It's tradition in my family to have Ham and Queso de Bola (Edam Cheese) sandwiches with hot cocoa during Christmas. I didn't quite have the same ingredients on hand but my mom sent us home with some ham and we had some town house crackers, and aged cheddar cheese that were equally delicious. Zac pretty much took care of our meals the week preceding labor, and I learned that I liked anything he made even if it was canned/boxed/frozen/processed, etc. Somehow anything my husband made was delightful and a treat since he rarely ever has the chance to cook with his busy school schedule. I also discovered during my pregnancy that there is a special place in my heart for pre-cooked food be-it the fancy specialty market or the low end, less-than-a-dollar freezer meal kind. Anyways, we also had Martinelli's, (which is by far the hardest thing to find in a grocery store during the holidays when your not in Utah), spiced apples, and cinnamon rolls--the kind that come in the twist and press cans. Zac and I were so busy all day that we thought it was the best meal ever. Perhaps a tradition has been born.
Anyways, we are still busy packing and getting ready for the move. Zac's mom was so sweet to be with us for a week to help out and it has been the best thing ever! Taking care of a newborn + Recovering from a c-section + packing your apartment for a move while trying to stay sane is virtually impossible without extra hands so we are happy to get the help we are receiving.
Happy New Year!
Gingerbread! I lost my gusto about halfway through my decorating spree and ended up freezing a couple dozen undecorated cookies. |
Caramel and Chocolate Covered Pretzels....Addicting and oh so the perfect balance of salty-sweet-chewy-crunchy |
I frantically made all my edible Christmas gifts after being told by my doctor I would most likely go into labor naturally before my due date.
 These truffles were so yummy. I finally got the soft ganache center I have been trying to acheive for years! Even Zac liked them. The soft caramel center-filled ones also turned out great. Labor kicked in when I was halfway through my second batch so I still have trays of truffles to be dipped in chocolate in the freezer.
40 weeks 1 day. Just two days before Zoe was born. |
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