7-8AM: Wake up for the day/Breakfast
8-9AM: Play/Story time
9-10: Morning nap
10-12PM: Errands
12-1PM: Lunch
1-3PM: Afternoon Nap (AKA get all house chores done before Z wakes up)
3-4PM: Go for a walk then tummy time
4-5PM: Dinner prep while I talk to Z as she sits in her chair/swing/bouncer
5-6PM: Dinner and play
6-7PM: Bath time and bed
Then I usually spend an hour with Zac and an hour baking/reading/catching up with a show before I head to bed and pray Z doesn't wake up again before midnight.
Recent Pictures:
Playing in the morning with Zac
One of the only pictures I have with all three of us and I cant believe she is smiling! We have to work on getting her to actually look at the camera though
Also, how am I ALWAYS in this outfit when taking a picture with Z?!
We were on a search for Blue Bonnets with Zac's parents and found this (small) patch along side the road
I tried taking pictures on the actual three month mark...and I learned the hard way that timing means everything...this face right here is due to hunger and sleepiness.
Three Things About this Three Month Old:
-Will grab on to anything you dangle in front of her (and will find a way to pull on your hair)
-Will smile/laugh if you dramatically say "ooo" or sneeze
- Enjoys talking to herself and her blanket during car rides
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