Monday, January 28, 2013

New Year, New Obsessions

I am not sure if it is because it is the beginning of a new year, or if I am just recently realizing some new interests but lately I have been crazy about a few things.

Here's that list:

1. Sewing...dresses and skirts. My mother is a compulsive seamstress. I think she secretly has plans to sew an entire wardrobe for her future grandchildren (though she may have already started) and has lured me into the world of sewing by getting me a sewing machine this past Christmas. The results are mediocre but certainly wearable.

One of the projects I am working on (and also the first pattern I am using)

2. Processing...anything and everything in the food processor Zac's parents got me for Christmas. I am not sure what it is, but everything seems to taste better when it comes from the processor. Pizza doughs, crepes, marinades, smoothies, everything!

2. Pita Bread. I am not sure where this came from, Zac is known to devour an entire package with a tub of red pepper humus, but my obsession with pita mainly rests with cucumbers, feta, the occasional spread of garlic--must be garlic--humus and tahini, and pizza toppings. Is it bad that I have been clipping and searching for Pita Bread coupons and stalking sales so that I can buy a ton and stash it in the freezer?

3. Chocolate covered ju-jus. This one is very new. My boss had a meeting for the employees at the bookstore and brought some for the group to share. I have consumed at least half a pound a day for the past...8. Good thing they are a seasonal treat and I can plan on avoiding them after Valentines Day.
The very last JU-JU...minus the stash I have in the pantry...and in the glove box in the car...and in a sterilized piggy bank I may or may not have made Zac think is filled with my food splurge savings.

4. Carmallow Popcorn. This time last year I was obsessed with caramel popcorn. This time I am obsessed with Carmallow. It's honestly one of the most addicting treats ever and basically consists of brown sugar, butter, marshmallows and popcorn. I am a sucker for rice crispy treats and figured combining the two could only be a match made in heaven. My BIL gave me a microwavable popcorn popper bowl last year (one of the greatest inventions ever) and it has made my Carmallow addictions so much easier to appease. I made some for the primary kiddos last Sunday for our FST (fourth sunday treat) and I think they are hooked on it. The only person I know who is not the biggest fan is Zac. But then again, I think he is just in denial.

Popcorn caramel goodness that takes but moments to make

I am hoping these obsessions fade pretty soon because I am finding myself spending more and more time at the gym to compensate for the calories. Until then I am keeping a log of these recipes and keeping them in my little black recipe book so I can rekindle them in the future.

Heres one of those recipes.

When I miss a gyro from NY rub:

1/2 teaspoon of Cumin
1 Tablespoon of fresh thyme (plucked from sprigs)
1 garlic clove
3 Tablespoons olive oil
2 Tablespon pesto (I make my own then freeze it but store bought stuff is good as long as it comes refrigerated...I have yet to find a bottled version that isn't super separated)
Handful of italian parsley
1/4 of a shallot
S&P to taste
Juice from 1/2 a lemon

Blitz in the processor (or blender, mortar and pestle, or if you are brave and don't mind having the smell of garlic in your hands for what may seem like days,  by hand)
slather over chicken/pork loin/lamb

Your marinating meat should look something like these very lucky pork loins...shining with olive oil and covered with green savory goodness

Allow to marinade for at least 30 minutes
Cook meat on very hot skillet, no need for oil, until brown and perfect for stuffing into PITA BREAD ( I only ever use my cast iron skillet to cook meats and it works great here)
I usually add a slather of sour cream that's been doctored up with some tahini, tomatoes, boston lettuce, and cucumbers. Stuffed pita heaven!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Things Lately

Here's the top 5 updates on things lately:

1. We are in our last semester of college...our LAST! (However Zac has a long way to go before he will be done with his schooling). We graduate in April. It sounds pretty cheesy but our college advisors told us we could even walk and have our names called together since we are in the same college. Zac is still not convinced this is a good and very cute idea but I am determined to sway him to be excited about it. 

2. We are currently obsessed about anything related to losing weight and exercise and have been consistently taking our daily dose of adult vitamin gummy bears. If only I had my camera to record the excitement experienced when I discovered that there was an adult vitamins version and for a very reasonable price at Sam's.  

3. We are for sure leaving Utah late July for medical school. Most likely Texas will be the destination since the schools Zac got accepted to have great programs and tuition costs.

4. Zac's new free time activity has been reading Sherlock Holmes and my newest is sewing. My products are by no means revelatory of a hidden sewing talent  (and I can tell my sewing capacities are very limited) but I love learning how to use my machine and all the fun possibilities it brings. 

5. I am starting an internship that is quite possibly going to determine whether I will continue a career path in public health or go for culinary school once we move in July. So far it has been awesome and I am loving it.

Christmas was spent in Houston and it was great fun being with family and eating endlessly. We drove to Texas and though I tried my best to contribute to the one-way, 17-hour drive Zac only let me drive about a total of 4 hours (the most impressive part is that we/he drove it in one straight setting, both times). The temperature didn't go a degree below 60 but when we came back to Utah  we were welcomed with snow, snow and more snow! We spent New Year's with Zac's family in Mountain Green and also had a great time. It was cold but we had so much fun shooting, eating, watching Jack Reacher (Zac's new favorite movie character) and just relaxing. 

And now, back to reality! 

Here are some pictures of our winter break

 Nate, Landon, and Zac looking very ready to do some shooting

 I actually hit one this time and managed not to shoot anyones foot

 Houston with the cousins

Zac's awesome homemade beanie and booties--that came in very handy when our heater wasn't on!