Friday, October 4, 2013

Pumpkin Spiced Fudge

Zac and I are attending an apple tasting and dessert potluck for the couples group at UTSW tonight. Somehow, even though I do have a regular repertoire of desserts and treats I fall back on, nothing in my regular lineup seemed to fit the description of "favorite fall treat." This happens often, and I am usually guilty of bringing things untested for potlucks or get togethers and this time was no exception.

My favorite fall treat? Over a thousand miles away at the Candy Counter in the BYU Bookstore. They have a pumpkin-something-fudge I can't remember that is available during the fall and it is so good. They also have a key lime fudge around June that is one of my faves. They make the fudge right in the bookstore and while I never worked the candy department in my three year run there, I have always wanted to see it happen but never did. Anyways, I've never made fudge before, but it felt dishonest and just plain out wrong not to bring my very favorite fall treat to the potluck (scary that this is what goes through my head when deciding what to make/bring). I looked and looked for a recipe that had the reviews/ingredients list/directions that matched my totally inexperienced candy-making hands and found one that I LOVE.

It is courtesy of the Brown Eyed Baker and is so easy! Even though most fudge recipes call for a candy thermometer I was able to make this without one.

The only addition I made was a graham cracker crust and a final sprinkling of pecans on the top. To do this I simply lined my wax lined pan with a single layer of graham crackers and immediately sprinkled chopped pecans on top that I gently pressed into the fudge before it had a chance to set.


This is also my favorite serving platter ever. It's a wooden board we bought while in Greece this past May. Somehow serving food on this wooden board makes everything look and taste better.

Happy Friday.