Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Three Months...and a Half

Where has the time gone? It feels like it was January just a week ago and our baby Z is already three and a half months old! We were pretty busy getting ready for our families that came to visit last week, but now we are back to our usual routine that usually goes something like this:

7-8AM: Wake up for the day/Breakfast
8-9AM: Play/Story time
9-10: Morning nap
10-12PM: Errands
12-1PM: Lunch
1-3PM: Afternoon Nap (AKA get all house chores done before Z wakes up)
3-4PM: Go for a walk then tummy time
4-5PM: Dinner prep while I talk to Z as she sits in her chair/swing/bouncer
5-6PM: Dinner and play
6-7PM: Bath time and bed

Then I usually spend an hour with Zac and an hour baking/reading/catching up with a show before I head to bed and pray Z doesn't wake up again before midnight.

Recent Pictures:

Playing in the morning with Zac

 One of the only pictures I have with all three of us and I cant believe she is smiling! We have to work on getting her to actually look at the camera though
Also, how am I ALWAYS in this outfit when taking a picture with Z?!

We were on a search for Blue Bonnets with Zac's parents and found this (small) patch along side the road
I tried taking pictures on the actual three month mark...and I learned the hard way that timing means everything...this face right here is due to hunger and sleepiness.

Three Things About this Three Month Old:
-Will grab on to anything you dangle in front of her (and will find a way to pull on your hair)
-Will smile/laugh if you dramatically say "ooo" or sneeze
- Enjoys talking to herself and her blanket during car rides

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